Is there a difference between love and unconditional love? If you’re like me, the quick response is “yes.” Upon longer reflection, however, I couldn’t define the difference unless by “love” I meant something other than love.
Sounds strange, right? But as physician, author, and storyteller Rachel Naomi Remen writes, “perfectionism is so widespread in this culture that we actually have had to invent another word for love.”
“All love is unconditional. Anything else is just approval.”
Awhile back, I wrote a post asking you, What love thrives in your relationship? Thinking about it in this new context — the one set up by Remen’s quote — gets me thinking that part of what all couples need is more practice at loving each other and less at approving (or disapproving) of each other…giving ourselves the chance to excel at loving our partner regardless of what he or she has done (is doing) or whether or not we ourselves are presently happy or sad.
What would it take for you to be (unconditionally) loving with your beloved?In what areas does your “love” really equal approval (or your lack of “love” equal disapproval)?What kind of love-maker do you want to be?Do add your comments and let’s see how we can all become better lovers and stop wasting so much time judging each other.
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