
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wedding prayer for Margo and Aric

Creator of the Universe:

We are thankful for this bright blue and verdant globe,

for its’ thin miraculous layer of life.

We are honored to launch

Margo and Eric on their voyage.

May they find

the strength of Mountains,

the deep roots of Oak,

the peace of Sunset.

May our love and support nourish

Them like life-giving rain.

May their lives flow like the river,

Always forward, through the

Challenges of falls, and

Wild adventures of rapids,

Finding ways around all obstacles,

Always growing, until reaching the sea.

Amen, Ahhwomen, AhhChildren

AhhAnimals, AhhCreation. Ahhhhh.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Prayer offered by Chuck Dayton at the wedding of my his best friend’s daughter on August 8, 2009

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Marriage prep pop quiz

Question: When is the best time for a couple to start preparing for married life?

A: Before getting married.B: After getting married.C: Who needs preparation? Just take each day as it comes.

While we would agree that having the skills and attitude to “take each day as it comes” is valuable, we think that any couple wanting a happy, fulfilling relationship has one answer — A. Prepare for married life BEFORE you get married.

An article in Time magazine reminded us that many couples–and perhaps you’re one of them–focus only on the wedding before they get married and are a bit flummoxed after the nuptial adrenaline wears off. According to “Postnuptial Depression: What Happens the Day After“:

“Postnuptial depression may not be a clinical diagnosis, but it has entered the lexicon of marriage in the past few years, and newly hitched couples will tell you it’s real. The blues typically hit early in married life, psychiatrists say, as newlyweds begin recognizing that expectations of how their partner or relationship will change postwedding are unrealistic. Worse, once the Big Day has come and gone, couples are forced to step out of their much-cherished and often long-lived ‘bride and groom’ spotlight and just get on with real life.”

Although planning for your wedding can be fun, so can planning for your life together. What better way can you truly spend an afternoon than in having an honest, intimate conversation with your lover talking about your visions for your life and what’s most sacred to you about the connection you have?

We’re not saying that you need to pop your party balloons or ditch your dates with caterers or florists — having a wonderful wedding day is a great way to celebrate your love. We simply invite you to consider what’s more important (and therefore what most deserves your time and attention) — one awesome day or one lifetime of meaningful memories. Once you know the answer to that question, you’ll ace the marriage prep pop quiz for sure!

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Marriage — Is it about you, me, or we?

An article from the New York Times recently got Bruce and me talking about “who” a good marriage benefits. Do you think a happy, sustainable marriage is good for you? How about for your spouse? Does it do you both good? Gather your initial thoughts then read the original article on marriage research. Then you and your mate might want to each take the Sustainable Marriage Quiz and see how you evaluate your own partnership.

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Love or approval?

Is there a difference between love and unconditional love? If you’re like me, the quick response is “yes.” Upon longer reflection, however, I couldn’t define the difference unless by “love” I meant something other than love.

Sounds strange, right? But as physician, author, and storyteller Rachel Naomi Remen writes, “perfectionism is so widespread in this culture that we actually have had to invent another word for love.”

“All love is unconditional. Anything else is just approval.”

Awhile back, I wrote a post asking you, What love thrives in your relationship? Thinking about it in this new context — the one set up by Remen’s quote — gets me thinking that part of what all couples need is more practice at loving each other and less at approving (or disapproving) of each other…giving ourselves the chance to excel at loving our partner regardless of what he or she has done (is doing) or whether or not we ourselves are presently happy or sad.

What would it take for you to be (unconditionally) loving with your beloved?In what areas does your “love” really equal approval (or your lack of “love” equal disapproval)?What kind of love-maker do you want to be?

Do add your comments and let’s see how we can all become better lovers and stop wasting so much time judging each other.

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Looking for love? Here are some helpful hints.

Below is an article by Margot Lester with supportive strategies for divorced men and women who are considering dating again. However, I think she provides helpful hints for anyone who’s looking for a loving relationship.

FYI, Margot quotes me (Bruce) extensively in the last few paragraphs of her article.

Dating Again? Boost Your Luck
By Margot Carmichael Lester

You took a swing at marriage, and it didn’t work out. Now that you’re divorced, how do you get back on your feet and back in the dating game? According to experts and the divorced people we spoke to, it’s a matter of attitude adjustment. Here, they share their wisdom.

Talk to yourself
Start by giving yourself a new internal monologue, suggests Laurie Puhn, J.D., author of Instant Persuasion: How to Change Your Words to Change Your Life. “Being single means you still have the chance to meet Mrs. Right. So give yourself a new mantra: ‘I’m single because I’m taking my time to make sure I do it right.’”

Can something that simple really make a difference? You bet! “If you think confidently — as in, ‘I know it will happen, it’s just a matter of time’ — you will speak and act confidently,” she asserts. “And you’ll find that the people who are bitter, self-entitled or pessimistic will voluntarily stay away from you because being around someone happy and confident makes them feel worse about themselves.” Now that’s a real bonus. You get a better attitude and increase the chances that unsuitable dates won’t be as interested. “Be your best self,” she says, “and you’ll attract other people who are at their best.”

Ditch the failure dialogue
Another key move: Let go of the “failure” point of view. Your marriage didn’t last, but that doesn’t mean you failed. “Things, situations, and people change and, hopefully, grow,” notes Neil Fiore, a psychologist in Berkeley, CA, and author of Awaken Your Strongest Self: Break Free of Stress, Inner Conflict, and Self-Sabotage. “You may have made a good decision when you married this person, and made another good decision when the marriage stopped working for both or either of you.”

Adds divorcĂ©e Holly Kremer of Waltham, MA: “Never, ever think of yourself as ‘damaged goods.’ It took me a while to get over that mode of thought, but I did. Don’t think you have to settle or that you are any ‘less’ than anyone else, just because you are divorced.” She knows what she’s talking about. Kremer is getting married later this year.

Avoid false comforts
Many divorced people feel empty and hurt — and that often leads us to seek comfort. “Out of your loneliness or low self-esteem, it’s easy to want to fill the emptiness or to try to feel better by jumping into bed with someone new,” says Bruce Mulkey, divorced (and now happily-married) co-author of I Do! I Do! The Marriage Vow Workbook. “I suggest that you avoid this at all costs,” he cautions. “Instead, discern the truth from the fiction in your mind. Set forth an intention to stay out of the blame game — toward yourself, your ex or others. Be gentle with yourself, nurture yourself. Get lots of exercise. Eat well. Get adequate rest. Know that everything happens for a reason, that there is a great gift for you in these events when you are ready to open yourself to them.”

“As much as I wanted to blame my former partners in marriage, the time had come for me to accept responsibility for my life, that I was responsible for the outcome of my marriages,” Mulkey recalls. “And if in the future I wanted a loving, enduring relationship with a significant other, I had to have that quality of relationship with myself. So I got clear about my purpose in life. And I got clear about the kind of woman I wanted to share my life with and my unwillingness to settle for less. And wouldn’t you know it: As soon as I put my clear intention out to the universe, the woman of my dreams showed up and asked me out.”

Getting over divorce is never easy — or fast. But you can begin getting ready for another chance at love today by giving yourself some time and attention. It’s the best way to ensure the right someone will want to give you that, too.

Divorced freelance writer Margot Carmichael Lester is the co-author (with her new husband) of Be A Writer and Be A Better Writer.

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Create quality time with you partner

This morning I had the greatest fortune to remember that each moment I breathe the breath of life is a spectacular gift that can never be replicated. No two seconds are identical. No two hours the same. No two days with everything in common. I can never go back and live a minute that has gone by, nor redo a moment in my past. Second chances don’t exist, only new opportunities in unknown times.

My realization came when I discovered that I had been resenting my husband, Bruce. I was begrudging him for a host of “infractions,” from leaving his dirty coffee spoon on the counter in a puddle of spilled java, to not complimenting me as often as I thought he “should,” or for spending “too much time” on the computer. By holding on to these resentments, I was squandering each new moment I had with Bruce. Fortified by my resentments, I stayed stuck in past emotions and memories where I held onto hurt feelings and unloving thoughts. Consumed with such resentment I didn’t truly have much of me left over to experience the present moment. In fact, it was at this point that I understood that I had treated time like some trinket that I thought I could simply replace.

But time isn’t a good we can recycle. A minute of time today may have an equivalent 60-second span tomorrow, but it doesn’t have an exact replacement. So every minute we live is one we can never truly retrieve. The time I had thrown away to holding a grudge against Bruce represented life moments I could never recapture. Each second spent was lost to me forever. I was desolate and grief stricken. Thank god I was also reawakened. I knew that I did not want to give up my minutes, days, months, and years to such pointless activity. I wanted to live my life, savoring each and every breath as a once in a lifetime, unreplicatable, unreplayable, unrepeatable event I am blessed to experience.

So I dismounted from my artificial high horse of self-righteousness and self-pity and planted myself firmly back on solid ground. I owned up to my unloving behavior and sought forgiveness from Bruce. I also forgave him for any slights—real or perceived. In that moment, with my forgiveness offered to him and his extended to me, I saw him with new eyes. The mask through which my resentful self had viewed him disappeared and I was once more connected to this most amazing man. No longer was resentment filtering my life experience. No more was I clear cutting the minutes, hours and days from my life. I was back in the present moment, taking in each moment with reverence and appreciation for its uniqueness.

This spirit lingers with me today as I write this. At 7:57.08, I type these words and look out my window seeing a tree that will be somehow altered at 7:57.50 as I continue hitting the keys. While I may not have the discernment to notice all that is different in just 42 seconds of elapsed time, I have the awareness to know that change has occurred. Knowing that I won’t have another chance to see this minute again, I’m more conscious of how I’m spending my time. It’s far too precious for me to take for granted, its opportunities too wonderful to throw away where they won’t ever be found in the same way again.

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Our daily gratitude ritual

At the beginning of our evening meal, Shonnie and I take a few moments to express our gratitude for events of the day. For example, one of us might say, “I’m grateful for finally completing the newsletter I’ve been working on. I’m grateful for your willingness to clean the kitchen after breakfast. And I’m grateful to be here with you our kitties at the end of a long day about to enjoy this healthy, flavorful meal.”

Then come acknowledgments—something that we appreciate about the other and ourselves—an act performed or a state of being during the past 24 hours. For example: “I acknowledge you for the compassion you showed with my mother during our telephone call with her. I acknowledge myself for cooking this meal for both of us.”

Then the other partner expresses his/her gratitude and acknowledgments.

Finally, connected at a deeper level, we break bread and enjoy our evening meal together.

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Keeping Marriage Good for Your Health

A New York Times article titled “Is marriage good for your health?” recently caught my attention. It detailed the history of research into the effects of marriage on personal health as well as some of the most recent findings, such as:

couples who were more negative and hostile when they argued or discussed contentious topics had the weakest immune-systems during the research periodthe most hostile couples (during arguments) had wounds (skin wounds inflicted for the study) that took two days longer to heal than those of “couples who had showed less animosity while fighting”divorced or widowed people had worse health than people who had been always been single

So the question is, how do you create and maintain a marriage that benefits your health? Here are a few tips that we’ve seen work over the years.

Prepare for a healthy marriage. While it may sound obvious, many couples don’t build a strong foundation of love, support, and partnership before they tie the knot. Using tools like the Marriage Vow Workbook can help you put your relationship on strong footing before you head down the aisle.Learn to communicate effectively. Again this seems like common sense to most people, yet few take the time to actually do it. Whether you see a counselor, take communication classes, or use books like Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication, find tools to help you and your partner communicate with compassion and honesty.Take time to heal wounds you inflict on each other. No matter how good our intentions or developed our skills, we will do things that are unloving and harmful to each other. Practice forgiveness and other ways of healing old hurts rather than letting them fester. Based on the research it seems this will be good for your physical health and well as the future success of your marriage.

Do you have specific ways you keep your marriage healthy? If so, we’d love to have your comments. Let’s learn from each other and make all our relationships even better.

“If you learn to how to manage disagreement early, then you can avoid the decline in marital happiness that follows from the drip, drip of negative interactions.”

~ Linda J. Waite, University of Chicago sociologist and an
author of one of the studies cited in the NYT article

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Wedding Speeches

Get The Confidence To Give Amazing Wedding Speeches. Speech Examples For Bride, Groom, Father Of The Bride, Best Man And Others.

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Wedding Speeches Hq

We Have Special Links To Individual Sales Page For All Wedding Speech Types, Including Wedding Vows. Promote This Site. Make Money. Be Happy.

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Wedding Speeches & Wedding Toasts

Pre-written Wedding Speeches & Wedding Toasts For The Best Man Speech, Maid Of Honor Speech And Father Of The Bride Speech. High Conversion. 50% Payout.

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Marriage Vows And Wedding Vows

Offers Marriage Vows And Wedding Vows For Couples Getting Married. 50% Payout.

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Monday, November 7, 2011

The Ultimate Wedding Vow Toolkit

All The Tools You Need To Write Vows That Are A Romantic Masterpiece.

Check it out!

Wedding Cake Toppers : Lited Wedding Vows Cake Topper

This beautiful cake topper features the words "I take thee as my wedded love, to have and to hold from this day forward. For better and worse, for richer, for poorer in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish." The beautiful couple are locked in a warm embrace that will melt the heart of all who recieve it. Add it to the top of your wedding cake, turn it on and watch the warm glow of love between these two as they light up your celebration. *Requires 2 AA batteries (not included) *Made of Pewter and Stone Resin *Measures 8.25" inches tall and weighs 14.25oz. Brand : Enesco See other items from our: Foundations Collection Related Bridal People categories: For the Reception: Wedding Cake Toppers


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Worth the Wait

Worth the Wait"Oh the heart that has truly loved never forgets, But as truly loves on to the close" -- Thomas Moore, 1807

These moving words sum up the spirits of this tribute to love's truest expression. Beautiful melodies and the enchanting sound of Ireland exquisitely performed by Aine Minogue and Druid Stone. This recording captures a moment in time when two people come together, like the two hands surrounding the heart on the traditional Claddah Ring. Two lives, pledged in love, stand together before friends and family. Two lives become one with the sharing of a few simple words. The Vow.


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Finesse Pump 2.5 Inch Satin in White & Dark Tan, Hand Made by Freed of London, Over 75 Years of Ballet & Ballroom Dance Shoe Design Experience, Fashionable, Comfortable & Designed For Those Planning to Dance at Their Wedding!

Finesse Pump 2.5 Inch Satin in White & Dark Tan, Hand Made by Freed of London, Over 75 Years of Ballet & Ballroom Dance Shoe Design Experience, Fashionable, Comfortable & Designed For Those Planning to Dance at Their Wedding!Freed of London has been making all their shoes by hand since 1928.

From the Freed of London Wedding Collection comes the Freed of London Finesse Satin Pump Court shoe with round vamp and semi-pointed toe. Includes padded insole, comfort lining and suede sole. 2.5 inch slim flare heel in Dark Tan or White Satin. Comes in US Sizes 4 to 10, medium width.

Price: $110.00

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The Vow: An Irish Wedding Celebration

The Vow: An Irish Wedding Celebration"Oh the heart that has truly loved never forgets, But as truly loves on to the close" -- Thomas Moore, 1807

These moving words sum up the spirits of this tribute to love's truest expression. Beautiful melodies and the enchanting sound of Ireland exquisitely performed by Aine Minogue and Druid Stone. This recording captures a moment in time when two people come together, like the two hands surrounding the heart on the traditional Claddah Ring. Two lives, pledged in love, stand together before friends and family. Two lives become one with the sharing of a few simple words. The Vow.

Price: $15.98

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Wedding Vows - Disentanglement Puzzle

Wedding Vows - Disentanglement PuzzleJust like two people brought together at a wedding the 2 rings must be brought together on the same loop. We leave you with this riddle - something old something new something borrowed and something blue. Can you apply this riddle to the Wedding Vows?


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Sunday, November 6, 2011

OUR WEDDING etched glass expressions keepsake frame - 8x10

OUR WEDDING etched glass expressions keepsake frame - 8x10picture frames / photo frames: OUR WEDDING - Joy in every journey - I Do - Forever - Beautiful Dreams - Gifts - Reception - soul mates - How sweet it is - Romance - magical Happily Ever After - The Bride - honor - Dreams - The Wedding Line - Taking of Vows Forever - BridalShower - Cherish - Wishes -Romance - Honeymoon Celebrate your love with our Clear Expressions WEDDING picture frame. Bevelled glass creates a very attractive desk piece. Nice hardboard backing. Glare resistant glass lens.  Dual easel back for portrait or landscape desktop display. Crafted expressly for SendAFrame.


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2 Inch Satin Wedding Pump, in Black, White, Ivory & Tan, Holly Hand Made by Freed of London, Over 75 Years of Ballet & Ballroom Dance Shoe Design Experience, Fashionable, Comfortable & Designed For Those Planning to Dance at Their Wedding!

2 Inch Satin Wedding Pump, in Black, White, Ivory & Tan, Holly Hand Made by Freed of London, Over 75 Years of Ballet & Ballroom Dance Shoe Design Experience, Fashionable, Comfortable & Designed For Those Planning to Dance at Their Wedding!Freed of London has been making all their shoes by hand since 1928.

From the Freed of London Wedding Collection comes the Holly Satin T-strap with rhinestone diamonte and 5 strip vamp. Adjustable ankle strap with rhinestone clasp. 2.5 inch flare heel. Comes in Black, Tan, White and Ivory satin. Comes in US Sizes 4 to 10, medium width.

Price: $116.00

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"True Love" A Poem About Love For An Anniversary Or Engagement. Touching 8x10 in Size, Double-matted in White Over Dark Green and Enhanced with Watercolor Graphics.

This beautiful, heart-stirring verse was created by nationally recognized poet, Genie Graveline. This quality product is 8 x 10 in size. It is double matted.
The Verse is......
True Love......

To know "true love" is to know......
the deepest meaning of contentment, ......
of joy that has no boundaries, ......
of possibilities that are endless! ......
When two people are really in love, ......
they become one. They celebrate each other's......
accomplishments and feel each other's pain. ......
With every day that passes, they grow closer......
and closer together, so much so, that they......
can almost read each other's thoughts. ......
On their darkest days they draw strength......
from one another, and they share, ......
with abundant joy, ......
the luster of their finest moments. ......
When love is true, there is no room for......
jealousy or doubt, for trust is everything. ......
Those who are lucky enough to have found......
it, are blessed beyond expression. ......
And they know, deep within their hearts, ......
that their greatest source......
of comfort and happiness, ......
will always be found in the arms......
of the one they love! ......


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I Will Be Here: 25 Best Wedding & Love Songs

I Will Be Here: 25 Best Wedding & Love SongsI Will Be Here: 25 Of Today's Best Wedding & Love Songs CD DISC 1:

1. I Will Be Here - Steven Curtis Chapman

2. By Heart by Soul - Aaron Neville

3. Answered Prayer - Bob Carlisle/Lisa Bevill

4. If You Could See What I See - Geoff Moore & the Distance

5. For Always - BeBe & CeCe Winans

6. Give Me Forever - John Tesh/James Ingram

7. Beautiful in My Eyes - Joshua Kadison

8. You Move Me - Susan Ashton

9. Love of My Life - BeBe & CeCe Winans

10. Without Love - Stacie Orrico

11. 'Til the End of Time - Steve Green

12. This Flame - Margaret Becket

13. Love Will Be Our Home - Susan Ashton

I Will Be Here: 25 Of Today's Best Wedding & Love Songs Songs DISC 2:

1. Can't Live a Day - Avalon

2. Your Love Broke Through - Rebecca St. James

3. Celebrate You - Steven Curtis Chapman

4. Household of Faith - Steve & Marijean Green

5. Go There With You - Steven Curtis Chapman

6. God Causes All Things to Grow - Steve Green

7. How Beautiful - Twila Paris

8. In Remembrance of Me - Cher Keaggy

9. I Could Sing of Your Love Forever - SONICFLOOd

10. Lord I'm Gonna Love You - Chris Tomlin

11. Shine on Us - Phillips/Craig/Dean

12. We Bow Down - Derry Daughtery

Price: $19.98

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Lenox Opal Innocence Wedding Vow Frame

Lenox Opal Innocence Wedding Vow FrameYou will be reminded of your wedding vows every time you look at this beautiful frame. For inscribed around the frame are the words you recited at your wedding. Crafted of silver plate metal with the Opal Innocence motif. Holds a 5x7 photo.

Price: $43.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Brand New THQ Nora Roberts Vision In White Prepare For The Upcoming Wedding By Mini-Games

Brand New THQ Nora Roberts Vision In White Prepare For The Upcoming Wedding By Mini-GamesBecome part of the romance and thrill of an inspiring love story that comes to life in Nora Roberts Vision in White based on the New York Times #1 best-selling novel!

Price: $23.78

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"A Wedding Wish" Touching 8x10 Poem, Double-matted in Burgundy Over Dark Green and Enhanced with Watercolor Graphics. A Wedding Gift.

This quality product is 8 x 10 in size. It is double matted. Verse is......A Wedding Wish......As a new life dawns...standing side by side,......May your hearts become one and may love abide......May the dreams that you're dreaming all come true,...... And may everything wonderful happen to you......May you come to know that in love it's wise,......To give of yourself and to compromise......To learn how to listen and how to forgive,......And to treasure each other as long as you live......May you be as happy as you can be,......In a home that's filled with tranquility,......But when storms arise and they cause distress,......May you counter the turmoil with tenderness......As you share in the laughter and the tears,......May you freely express your hopes and your fears......May you grow old together...side by side,......And forever and always may true love abide......


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Writing Your Wedding Vows

Your wedding vow is an excellent opportunity to read aloud the love you have for your partner. It is not that somebody who is very good at words can write wedding vows. These vows are promises that you make for your partner. Wedding vows are very personal promises that have to personalize. Personalization does not require special skills that you don't possess. Speak from the heart and you can make your vows ready.

Since writing wedding vows is not an easy task, you have to spend a few hours for it. You and your partner have planned for wedding because you both admire each other's qualities. Think about a single quality that makes your partner stand out of the rest. You can add that quality in your vow and read it on the wedding ceremony.

You can find many awesome wedding vows online and making a deep search will give you beautiful vows that are much suitable for you. These samples act as perfect guides for writing vows and use them as a base to develop your wedding vow. Always keep in mind that these are promises you need to keep till the end of the relationship and hence ,don't give false promises.

Before writing wedding vows, you have to consult your officiant. If you are planning for a traditional wedding ceremony, you have to read professional vows with traditional wording. Modern weddings allow personalized vows to be read during the occasion. Don't write wedding vows that run into pages. You should make it short but effective.

Talk more about your partner in the vow and specify how you wish to live a life of togetherness. You have to revise the vow you have written more than once. If you are not good at writing or you feel that your expressions are not expressed well, you can hire writers for writing your wedding vow. Make sure that you tell them what you want to express.

Practice the personalized wedding vow you have written by reading it aloud in front of a person who is close to you. While you read your vow during the wedding ceremony, read it more passionately and try to sound romantic. Even ordinary wedding vows can be made to sound excellent by reading it from the bottom of the heart with love. Also, have your vow on the paper even though you have memorized them.

Regina Watson is the owner of Elegant Wedding Impressions. She sells a variety of bridesmaid gifts and wedding accessories. So if you are looking for more great wedding favors to go along with your wedding theme come visit us today.

How to Write Your Own Wedding Vow?

Wedding vow is the belief of you about your wedding and love to your partner. It would be nice if you would write it yourself. Your guests would be impressed. They might have attended a lot of wedding ceremony before and heard the wedding vow many times already. It would make them hard to engage into the ceremony if the vow is just a script which has been used for thousand times before.

The following are some tips if you are planning to write your own wedding vows:

1. Consult before you write

Make sure you can use your own wedding vows before your write. There is no point to spend so much time and effort to write your wedding vow and finally you find that you cannot use it on your wedding day! Therefore you should ask your minister or registrar as detailed as you can. Check if there is anything you need to pay attention to before you really start to write your vow.

2. Be true to yourself

The most touching vow is a vow written from your heart. It is meaningless to make up fake stories. And the truth is that the wedding is for you and your partner but not for pleasing anyone who attends your wedding. Therefore, it is important to share your true feeling in the vow and people would be impressed by your honesty and sincere.

3. Back to the past

You might recall some old memories in the past, someone helped in your love affair, for example. It would help to tight your guests to your wedding. However, you should remember to keep it brief. Otherwise your guests would fall asleep and your wedding would run too long.

4. Do not be too personal

Your wedding vow is certainly personal. However, it should not be too personal otherwise your guests would feel like an outsider and feel very isolated.

5. Agreements with your partner

You can discuss with your partner about the contents of your wedding vows. If you two decide to write the wedding vows separately, make sure the length of them is about the same or else the shorter vow may gives the guests an impression that it is just a left over part.

6. Be humorous

The wedding vow need not to be too formal. You can always write your wedding vows with a sense of humor. An humorous wedding vow is by no means better than a boring vow. What is important is that you should show your commitment on your wedding and love for your partner.

7. Be brief

Pace is very important. Do not make the wedding vow too long. It is important to keep it brief and more accurate so that your guests can engage into your wedding easily.

8. Practice, Practice and Practice

Practice your wedding vows before your big day! Practice makes perfect. You would find it more enjoyable when you feel confident to read your vows.

9. Safety measures

There is no harm to make safety measures. You can put your wedding vow on a paper in note form. So that even if you forget some lines, you can still refer to the note.

Revise and practice make prefect. Start to write your wedding vows as early as possible so that you will have enough time to rewrite and discuss it with your partner. It would be worth spending some time with the compliment from your guests. It would be one of the things that makes your wedding day more unique and special.

Jerry Leung is a wedding invitation designer with great interest in Chinese Style Wedding cards. He designs unique Wedding Invitations in different styles. Besides, he runs A Wedding Blog to share wedding tips. You can also find lists of wedding vendors from his Wedding Directory Websites.

Wedding Vows - 10 Tips for Writing the Perfect Ones

Wedding vows are a very special part of every couple's ceremony. Wedding vows are taken today to cherish and reinforce the love felt by each person taking part in the wedding but also to let the partner know that he or she weds out of love and own desire and commits to be by his or her side for as long as he or she is breathing. Wedding vows are the most important part of a wedding ceremony and a marriage is not complete without the exchange of vows. Wedding vows are very personal and should reflect you and your fiancés personalities and feelings for each other

Many people feel that writing their own wedding vows makes their wedding ceremony a more personal experience. Writing your own vows should begin and end with how you feel, not what others are expecting. If you are one of the many couples planning to write your own vows for your wedding, these 10 tips will show you that it is not as difficult as you think.

1. You should give yourself a pat on the back for choosing to write your own vows. Fear stops many couples from attempting to write their own vows. The ultimate question is who better to express their love then the couple themselves? Now that you received your pat on the back; take a deep breath, get a spiral notebook, so that you can keep your thoughts all together and let's get started!

2. The length of the wedding vows is very important, as even if it is your own wedding ceremony you may not want to stand in front of the altar talking for more then a few minutes your vows so, try and make them short and concise as possible. Too lengthy weddings vows can loose their meaning and essence not to mention that those who are far away from the altar and cannot hear them will get frustrated and bored.

3. The best wedding vows reflect who you are. Your wedding vows can set the tone of your marriage in a perfect manner and make the most special ceremony of your life more poignant, romantic and exclusively your own. So while you are penning down vows for your wedding ceremony incorporate your own views on marriage and its importance.

4. Another decision you will have to make is what type of vow you will write. This decision is best made by you and you're intended. The three core types of vows are: Traditional vows: Traditional vows promise your love to your future spouse in a standard way without mentioning God or the presence of a dominant religious figure. " Non-traditional vows: Non-traditional vows are promises to each partner that are not religious and allow each of you to take a creative turn with your words. " Religious vows: Religious vows are traditional vows that refer to God or the presence of a religious figure while making your lifelong promise to your partner. Since wedding vows are meant to be spoken from the heart, the words included in them indicate the reason as to why couples want to spend the rest of the life with their partners.

5. All wedding vows do not have to be serious or sentimental. They can be funny, witty, even tongue and cheek, basically wedding vows should sound like you and your fiancé, and how you two actually are together in your daily interactions. Also, remember that even in wedding vows, where the tone is lighthearted, great passion, tenderness, and the love you two share will still shine through.

6. Wedding vows can be broken down into three parts; the beginning or declaration is where you ask you're intended to be your partner and live with you forever. It does not have to be fancy; only a declaration of love for your intended. The middle or description is where describe why or how you fell in love with your fiancé. The end or the all important vow is where you make your promises, such as "I promise to be by your side for a lifetime" or I promise to never judge your mistakes",

7. Start writing your vows by putting a rough draft together. You can search the internet for wedding vow samples to use as a guide or inspiration. Work on this rough draft until you are satisfied with it. (This is where the spiral notebook comes in handy by keeping all of your drafts together, so that you can go back and refer to them.

8. After your finished writing your rough draft; read the word out loud to make sure that the words flow and sound nice. You do not want your speech to be awkward and full of run on sentences where you are out of breath at the end of the sentence. Now that you have your rough draft it is easier to change the wording and make the three parts of your vow flow together.

9. Ok, now that you have put your life and soul into writing your wedding vows, put them away for a couple of days. After a couple of days have passed, take out your vows and reread them out loud. Make changes if you need to; don't be afraid to entirely scrap your vows and start over if they do not suit you.

10. Now that you've written your perfect wedding vows it's time to practice them out loud and memorize them. Practice your vows first, so that you can be sure the wording is right; you may have to rearrange some words to make them flow right off your tongue. If it is too hard for you to say; then change the words to something easier. You will want to memorize your wedding vows so that you are not reading from a piece of paper in front of all of your guests and you're intended. The words that you speak will be much more personal and sound more like they are coming from your heart instead of a piece of paper.

I hope that these ideas will give you a place to start in writing your wedding vows. Remember to write from your heart and you can never go wrong! It's ok to make your intended and the guests at your wedding cry; it will be an unforgettable moment for everyone! I would like to leave you with one last piece of advice; do not try to write your wedding vows a day before you get married. Can you say too much stress? Do yourself and your intended a favor and write your vows well before that all important day so that it will come off without a hitch.

Still trying to write the "Perfect Wedding Vows" for your all special day? Find out how to get your hands on the orginial Wedding Vow mini-course that over 13,908 people (and counting!) have used to write the most romantic vows you've ever heard. This is 100% Free! Sign up today by clicking here! Wedding Tidbits [].

How to Write Your Own Personal Wedding Vows

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! Are you ready to write your own personal wedding vows? There are several things to consider before you write the language that ties you together for eternity. If you want to write the most magical message of love, there are a few things you need to know before you begin. The first thing to find out if you follow a religion is if your religion binds you to any strict customs as to what you can and cannot say during a wedding ceremony. Once you find out, and you are given the go ahead, then take your pens and paper and get ready to write your wedding vows for your special wedding day moment!

Examine your motivation - What commitments have you made and kept? What commitments have you made and broken? When you make a commit to a vow, check your motivation are you doing it with full awareness? For example, when you meet with your wedding officiant, ask him or her to make you a copy of your wedding vows so you can read them thoroughly before you tie the knot. Be interested in knowing what you are committing to in these traditional vows. Marriage is a ceremony full of commitments! Do you honestly want to take a vow to "obey?" Do you truly want to commit to for better and "for worse" and "for sickness" and in health? Energetically charged words of what you don't want may create a karmic return you won't be happy about! We can script our lives to live more consciously. Why not customize a commitment for your greatest good to celebrate in the healthy sharing of life together? Our wedding vows, just like our thoughts, create. Be clear in what you want to create and then commit to its creation. Come to treat your commitments as sacred and enter into them as so.

What to consider as you write your wedding vows - When two hearts beat as one, you may want to make sure that your personal wedding vows come straight from your heart. Here are some things to consider when you begin to write your wedding vows to each other:

-Ask yourselves for what reasons do you love each other?

-Ask yourself what is it about your partner that makes your heart skip a beat?

-Ask yourself what one particular event made you realize that you wanted to be married?

-What comes to mind when you say the words, "marriage," "commitment," and "love?"

-What are your feelings about spirituality, children, money and growing older? Do you have common views on these important factors?

-What do you say in personal wedding vows?

When writing your personal wedding vows, you can write the independently or together. You may want to include a set of promises to one another. Here are some ideas to help you write your wedding vows.

You may want to include:

-To love, respect, accept, honor and cherish each other.

-To be honest and faithful.

-To respect the individuality of each other.

-To be best of friends.

-To be kind, trusting, giving and understanding.

-To bring joy and laughter into the marriage.

Aim to include in your vows the pledge to grow emotionally, mentally and spiritually together during the experiences of a lifetime partnership. The most successful way to write personalized wedding vows is to think about the two of you and what you want to promise each other for a happy marriage.

Look for inspiration - Your dream wedding vows require you to be inspired. Look for ideas from inspirational words written in poetry, books, movies, etc. that touch your heart. When something moves you, it expresses your own feelings. Artfully write down the personal and special moments of your relationship. Express them in a brief, simple and well-chosen manner to allow your wedding guests to understand their meaning.

Final Wedding Tips - When you have completed writing your wedding vows, you may want to share them with your wedding celebrant. He or she may have helpful suggestions for you. They are experienced at creating the perfect ceremony. In addition, make sure to have a copy of your wedding vows on an index card with you at your wedding ceremony. You may choose to either read them or memorize them for your wedding day. The last thing you want to be is nervous whether you will remember your words or not! Remember that your wedding vows are a public declaration of your commitment to one another so speak slowly and clearly. Your wedding guests are there to witness your marriage ceremony and they should be able to hear your words.

The purpose of marriage is to remember love! For more helpful wedding tips visit where you will find the ultimate in wedding products and NJ wedding services! Have a wonderful wedding day and enjoy the richness of spending your lives together!

May you begin a lifetime of love and happiness!

Rev. Diane Cuesta

Owner of

Diane Cuesta has been uplifting the consciousness of individuals and practicing heart-centered spiritual healing since 1992. With a deep sense of compassion and commitment to Love, her mission as an author/internet business owner is to serve humanity for the highest, greatest good. It is her vision that the greatest business and financial success occurs when spiritual, humanitarian and environmental principals are practiced.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Personalize Your Wedding Vows For a Unique and Memorable Wedding

It is your wedding, so make it you own. You are probably hunting for every book, articles, and tips you can find to make your wedding as personal and unique as possible. The best and more memorable way to do is to create your own vows.

Traditionally, the bride and groom has little say in what goes into the words spoken during the wedding ceremony. Today, officiants even encourage couples to say their own vows during the ceremony. It reduces the mechanics and strays away from the "ceremony formula" we have been too acquainted with. Heck, if you attended ten wedding already, you are likely to be able to recite the "standard vows" the bride and the groom say to each other.

So, if you want to make your vows unique and personal, you can incorporate your feelings and intimate messages into your vows. It creates an added effect in making your wedding more memorable. Here are five tips to help you create a vow that could make your wedding memorable for you and your guests.

1. Discuss with the Wedding Officiant

If you are planning to personalize your vows, you need to notify your Officiant first. You will need to find out the legalities, guidelines, and rules in drafting your vows. In fact, by discussing with your Wedding Officiant ahead of time, you can get additional pointers, advice, and examples to help you in writing your vows. The Officiant will also inform you of the important information that needs to be included in your vows.

2. Choosing Your Topic

As in any other writing or speeches you make, you need to establish a topic before you start drafting. Some may disagree with me, but by choosing topic early on will help you stay focused on your wedding vows. One thing you must never neglect to include in your vow is your promise to your spouse to be. Then you can add some special messages, hopes, and dreams that the two of you may have talked about before you decided you wanted to get married with each other.

One thing to keep in mind when writing your wedding vow is KISS - Keep It Short and Sweet. When pouring you heart out, you tend to get so emotional that it is difficult to cut it short. Try to put yourself in your guests shoes. When listening to a very long winded speech, you (as the attendee) will start to wander off. So, if possible, keep your vows, short, concise, and meaningful.

3. Make your Wedding Vows Official

After you finished the first draft of your vows, arrange a meeting with your Officiant again. Show your vows for review and additional advice. Your Officiant's experience will help you greatly in getting the best out of writing your own vows. Of course, the you will get the last word on what goes into your vows but it does not hurt to ask for opinion.

4. Practice makes Perfect

As you would when you prepare for the speech you wrote for a meeting, you practice, practice, and practice. You know it, practice makes your delivery perfect. Even if you plan to read your vows during the ceremony, I highly recommend you practice. You need to get comfortable saying your vows aloud so that you would not sound clumsy when you read it during your ceremony. Just remember the rule of thumb, KISS. Lengthy speeches are less likely to make an impact and therefore will be less remembered. So, time yourself as you practice. If reading your vows will take longer than five minutes, try to narrow it down and focus on the more important part of your wedding vow.

5. Delivering Your Wedding Vows

I know that this is hard to do, but it is important to keep calm when you are reciting your vows during the wedding. If you are tense, you are likely going to speak too fast that your vow will lose the wedding attendants' attention. Read your vow if you must, but it is best if the vow is delivered extemporaneously. Just like how your Speech or Communication professor used to tell you. But, do what you are comfortable the most. If you are comfortable with memorizing a speech, then memorize your vow.

I hope that this article helped you plan a memorable and unique wedding. Good luck with your wedding and may your vows remain your guide to a happy and fruitful relationship.

MJ Millares is a co-founder of EmJĂ©e Designs, Inc. For more unique personalized gifts [] or additional information on unique wedding favor [] please visit EmJee Designs website at

Wedding Vows - Personalizing Your Perfect Wedding Vow

A well rehearsed and well versed wedding vow that comes straight from the heart is sure to send chills to every person present there. Wedding vows constitute a vital part of the wedding ceremony. The promise of lifelong commitment between them inspite of differences and difficulties ensure that true love really does exist. Now, that is a nice thought.

The vow is shared by both the bride and the groom. Generally, the wedding vow would include a promise of selflessness, unconditional love and faithfulness. If you have no idea what to put down in your wedding vow, here's your solution! Find your personalized wedding vow on the internet. Searching the internet for vows proved to be an excellent source for useful tips and ideas that you could make use of on the day of the wedding. Some sites may charge you for their services, but you could look around for a free one too.

These free wedding vows get rid of the scripted, stereotyped promise that we hear very often at common marriages. The best thing about taking a free wedding vow from the net is that you have the freedom to put down exactly what you feel deep down in your heart. Besides, it is free of cost! You can edit the sample vows that are available, but if you find them touching and heart-warming, they may be used directly without any modification.

There are many different kinds of vows for you to select from. Your vows may be personalized to suit your situation and circumstance you are currently in. You can get vows that are written for couples with children, second marriages, wedding anniversaries and inter-religious weddings. Quoting poetry is also a common practice. Browning, Keats and Gibran are famous choices. You can surf the internet and find websites that offer a free questionnaire format that you can fill out and easily modify your selected wedding vow. This will act as your guideline and recalculate a vow that suits your requirement.

Preparing the perfect wedding vow before the big day is a very crucial thing. Writing the vow with your partner is one very special pre-wedding activity.

When you plan to write the wedding vow, make sure you decide on a time and place that gives both of you enough privacy. You could note down all the promises you'd like to make, on a sheet of paper so that you compare them once you've finished. Start by writing a letter expressing your love to your fiancé. Don't hesitate to elaborate your feelings. Be expressive and remember to mention memorable and special moments together, be it good or bad. A few suggestions would be the time you first met, the moment you said "yes" or at a difficult time where your love for each other endured. Quote lines from books, scriptures or favorite songs that translate your love for each other. Once both of you finish writing all this, sit together and read each other's work. Reading them will be a truly memorable experience. Be ready to laugh or shed a few tears over it. Discuss the most touching part of both letters, and start working on the wedding vow from that point.

The secret of a perfectly touching wedding vow is making a commitment to your partner and remember to keep the message simple and clear. A message that comes genuinely from the heart is definitely the best wedding vow.

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Wedding Vows: Seven Tips For Personalizing Your Own

The wedding vow is the promise the bride and the groom make to each other during the wedding ceremony. A wedding without vows is an unfamiliar sight.

Wedding vows are essential in any marriage ceremony. Now-a-days, modern wedding ceremonies offer the flexibility of allowing you to write and say your own vows.

If you decide to write your own personally meaningful wedding vows, then here are a few things to keep in mind.

1. When you write your own vows, you naturally start to think of all the good reasons why you want to be with the person you are going to marry. Writing your own vows makes the words you say more natural and from the heart.

2. If you don't know what to say, or you don't know how to start it, or you just want to add a few additional thoughts, then you can get ideas by reading books on the topic or performing a search on the web for free wedding vows.

You can look at a few of the sample wedding vows online and borrow some ideas or words from each to add to your own unique vows. You can also try taking a particular sample and just changing a few words to suit you. You can also take a wedding vow you really like and use it as is.

3. If you want a touch of artistic expression to your vows, try adding a few lines of poetry from the popular works by Gibran, Keats or Browning.

4. You may want to include some of the lyrics from your favorite song. Couple's often have a song or tune that symbolizes their love for each other, sort of like the song that is danced to during the reception or after the wedding dinner.

5. While you are thinking about what to say in your vows, you may consider your lifestyles, your personalities and your interests.

7. Share with each other what you have written. You both can bounce back ideas; revive special moments you had with each other. This will help you discover what to include in your vows.

Make sure you let the Officiate or person who will be marring you know ahead of time that you are writing your own vows. He or she can inform you about what must be included and may provide a few pointers.

One final thought. Saying your wedding vows during the ceremony can be frightening. You may be scared that you might mess up. Well don't be. It's okay to stumble a bit. You will be able to correct yourself. Know that writing your own vows and practicing a bit will help you both gain the confidence you need to do well.

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What Style of Wedding Vow is Right for You?

Thinking about writing your own wedding vows? If so, you're not alone. Millions of couples are bypassing traditional ceremonies in favor of something that's more personal - and that's great! But problems arise when couples aren't clear with each other about the style of vows they want. What mood do you want to convey? Light-hearted and cute? Short and sweet? Witty? Sentimental? There are almost as many styles of vows as there are vows themselves. Here's a quick guide to a few of the more popular styles to help you choose the one that best suits you and your spouse-to-be.


Yes, you can still be "traditional" even if you aren't sticking to the prepared wedding vow script. If you are aiming to be very traditional, all you need to do to prepare is to look up a traditional wedding vow, such as those that begin with phrases such as, "In the name of God," or "From this moment, I (name) promise to take you (name), to be my wife/husband..." and so on and so forth. Once you find a traditional vow you like, rewrite it to fit your own personal feelings towards your partner.


If you wish to write a romantic wedding vow, and you are not endowed with the gift of poetry, you can look into reading some famous love poetry - for example, sonnets by Shakespeare -- and see if you can use one of their ideas as a way to express your feelings about your partner. You may even wish to quote the poet directly, by referring to lines in their poem. You can also think about the love songs that you will be using during your special day, and see if the lyrics of these songs can help you to express the way you feel.

Lighthearted and cute

If being lighthearted and cute sounds fitting, you can go about implementing this style in your wedding vows by first thinking of all the fond memories you shared with your partner that really made you smile and brought you closer together. Write down each one of these memories and choose the one that you believe to be the most suited and tasteful for your wedding. This style is an excellent way of expressing how much you loved your partner before, and how much more you love them now.


If you have a sharp sense of wit, it could be one of the many characteristics that your partner loves about you so much. Use your sense of wit to your advantage by using tasteful humor to spice up a wedding vow by making it romantically playful. However, as a strong word of caution, if you've noticed no one seems to laugh at your jokes, or you can never seem to get the punch-line of a joke, you may want to fess up to your lack of wit and choose another style for your wedding vows. You may also want to take into account that your sense of wit may be something your partner tolerates with good humor, while others may not be so kind.


Sometimes having a simple style is the best way to go. A simple wedding vow is composed of a few words that come straight from your heart. You don't need to serenade your partner with a self-composed sonnet. A simple "I love you" and "I'm glad to be sharing my life with you," along with a few extra heart-felt words can be perfect.

Short and Sweet

Short and sweet vows are very much like the simple wedding vow, except that a short and sweet vow is limited in words, and the words used are often much more concise and straight to the point. Poetry may help you to get an idea of how to express your vows in this manner. However, be mindful of vows that are too short and sweet. You may also discover that although your vow is short, it might be lacking in the sweet department. The last thing you want to do is prepare a short vow that sounds emotionless. Once you have completed these seven steps, you will be ready to start writing your vows. Remember, you don't have to be Shakespeare to write a vow that will touch the heart of your partner. A wedding vow comes from the heart. Regardless of how long you decide to make it, it is a personal expression and promise that accentuates the love you have for your spouse-to-be.

Chris Simeral is the creator of The Ultimate Wedding Vow Toolkit, the wedding-coordinator-approved home-study course for couples personalizing or renewing their wedding vows. Sign up for the free wedding vow mini-course at

Classic Wedding Vows

Wedding Vow Writing Tips

Coming up with your wedding vows may just be the hardest part out of the whole journey down the wedding brick road. So much pressure is built up about what you will say, how you will say it and what people will think once it's been said; but more significantly; what your soon to be life partner will think of how you really feel. That is why we have brought you these wedding vow ideas to help you with writing your wedding vows. By reading through these helpful wedding vow tips you will at the very least walk away with a solid idea of what to include in your sacred vows.

When writing your vows; the best thing to do is pretend like you are not even writing a vow. Look at it as if you are just writing down your feelings about your soon to be lifelong companion. Remember though; seeking out wedding vow ideas is only the first part in the foundation of wedding vow writing. Keep a steadfast attitude and it will all just come natural.

By speaking honestly, sincerely and by following the wedding vow tips outlined below; you may just be surprised when all is said and written. Honesty is always the best policy!

Wedding Vow Tips # 1

Describe How You Met Each Other

The first thing to tackle when writing your vows; could be describing how you met each other and what your feelings where at the time. This is a great way to open up any wedding vow. By talking about how it all began in your vows; you are able to touch the heart of your loved one in the most sentimental way possible. This is personal and can really be perceived as true love; because not only did you remember how you met; but you remember how it felt and understand what it has led too. There are many different wedding vow tips about how to open up; however opening in a humorous way is never a bad idea. Some say that laughter can be used as a key to the heart.

Wedding Vow Tips # 2

Describe When It Was That You Just Knew

This is the big wedding vow ideas section. When writing your vows it is; in essence; a description of why you have chosen to spend the rest of your life with the one you love. Talk about how and why you just know that you will always love them and that if you were separated; you just would not be the same. This is the "You Complete Me" part of the whole wedding vow!

Mention when you first realized that you could whole heartedly spend the rest of your life with them and how you knew. Talk about how you felt and mention the specific details of the day or event. The more honest; the better and more realistic the vow will sound. It is important to recognize that when writing your vows you can make many mistakes and revisions; but when you are speaking them; you only get one shot; so when deciding which wedding vow ideas to go with; be truthful, honest and sincere when writing and you will be just fine.

Wedding Vow Tips # 3

What Separates The One You Love From All Of The Rest That Came Prior

This will probably be the easiest part out of the whole writing your vows ordeal. Just be honest. Talk about how you have never met anyone like them before. It is pretty understandable that by the time most of us get married; we have been in some relationship before with at least one other person. Talk about what separates the one you chose from all the rest.

These wedding vow ideas would consist of describing what you like about them; including the physical quirky features, the intellectual aspects, and the irritating ones too. Love is a funny thing and something as seemingly insignificant as a squeaky laugh could draw someone into the vastness that is love.

Some more ideas would be talking about what you see the future being like; such as having kids together or more along the lines of what your joint principals, morale's and dreams are. Research and information is key in anything and everything in life; so by following tips like these; it will only serve to better your understand of what traditional vows are all about.

When it comes right down to it; writing your vows may seem like a daunting and difficult task; but by following these wedding vow ideas and just speaking from the heart; you may find that it is a lot easier than it is built up to be. No one can truly and ultimately define love; and in all reality that is what a vow is. Your definition of love and what it truly means to you. Don't hold back; for this is the person that you love and plan to spend the rest of your life with; 'til death do you part.

P.S. Are you looking for that perfect wedding gift? Browse through our collection of personalized wedding and anniversary gifts to find that special gift for that special someone!

How to Modify Free Wedding Vows

I'm glad you found my article. Sit back and relax and I believe you will learn a thing or two.

A practised and well rehearsed wedding vow, specially when it comes from the heart, sends a certain feeling to one and all who hears it. Vows have been a long time tradition in marriage ceremonies. The pledge of a lifetime oath to each other in spite of difficulties and differences pledge that true devotion really exists. Isn't that a warm-hearted thought?

Both the groom and bride exchange wedding vows. Commonly, the vows would include a promise of unselfishness, devotion, and unconditional love. If you are in the dark on what to write in your wedding vows, don't be! You can find one of a kind wedding vow just by a click of your mouse. Surfing the internet for wedding vows proved to be a satisfactory source of ideas and tips that you can readily use on your wedding day. You may require to pay for the service on different sites, but you can scout one for free too.

Free wedding vows do away with the traditional and scripted promise one hears over and over again in everyday marriage ceremonies. The good thing about free wedding vows on the net, separate from the fact that they are free, they give you the independence and flexibility to write what you long for to say from your heart.

Just sitting here and writing this article a quote comes to mind that I would like to share with you - A feeling is an idea with roots. So when writing your wedding vows, write from the heart, let your feelings guide your pen and you can never go wrong. Ok, let's continue on.

You can adapt the free sample vows you find or if you find the writing exceedingly heart-warming, you can go ahead and use it without revisions.

There are different vows you can select from. Like all things, vows can be customized according to the circumstances that you are in. There can be vows especially written for second marriage couples, couples with children, holy variations or wedding anniversaries.

Here is another qoute that just came to mind - At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet. Plato

So using poetry as portion of a vow would be nice and it is a common practice as well. Those of Gibran, Keats and Browning are sought-after choices.

You can browse on some internet sites that can even offer a free worksheet layout and questionnaires that you need to fill out for you to easily modify your selected wedding vow. These will serve as your guideline so that you can re-evaluate what you want to say.

Before that big day, preparing your wedding vows is extremely crucial. Writing your vows together is a very extraordinary activity that is highly recommended.

When writing a wedding vow together, set a specified time and place where the two of you can have some privacy. You can jot down your promises on a separate sheet of paper and agree to compare what you've written after an hour or so.

Foremost, write a letter professing your love for your companion. Do not hesitate to elaborate what you are feeling. Be creative and be sure to take note of your favorite and important times together, either good or bad.

Some suggestions are the first time that you met, the moment when you ultimately said "yes" or when a worrisome situation happened but still your love for each other prevailed.

Snatch sweet lines from songs, books or scriptures that paraphrase your love for your partner. After writing down your letter, get back together and review each other's writings.

Reading the letters can be truly heart-warming. In fact, prepare to share a laugh or even occasional crying. Share your thoughts on the finest part of the letter and from there begin your outline for your vows.

The secret of a good wedding vow is making it a personal pledge to your other half and make sure that the message you convey are made clear and simple. Nothing beats anything that genuinely comes from the heart.

In closing, here is one final qoute I would like to share with you - Coming together is a beginning; Keeping together is progress; Working together is success. Henry Ford

I hope you have gotten some good ideas from this article and that you are able to use them.

Get more information on wedding vows at Wedding Planning in the 21st Century and remember to sign up for the free 5 day Ecourse "How to Save Thousands On Your Wedding."

Traditional Wedding Vows Vs Modern Wedding Vows

Traditional wedding vows in a majority of Toronto weddings and Mississauga weddings form an integral part of the wedding ceremonies. It is considered a seal of marriages and acts as a point of reference for lasting marriage unions. The vows have been in use for eons and have had a considerable level of adjustment to fit with the demands of modern societal requirements on modern wedding vows. The elements of wedding vows in the context of the modern society have been greatly shaped by the religious and conventional laws as expected by the respective communities in which they occur. With commitment seeming as the overall underlying element, for a majority of marriage vows captured in a modern societal setting by a wedding videographer, this storage acts as a constant point of reference for the couple. This is also true for Ontario weddings. In comparison to the traditional wedding vows, modern wedding vows employ a more personalized method in its variety of confessing this love and commitment.

Modern wedding vows have adopted a few elements from traditional wedding vows. Some of these elements include but are no limited to wording and the format of these vows. This is evident in the manner that both Toronto weddings and Mississauga weddings are carried out in both their traditional and modern settings. This is often enhanced by the presence of a wedding photographer, who documents the entire vowing ceremony for posterity. This in quintessence ensures that the couples have a setting marking their commitment to each other. Thus, this serves as a reminder of their obligation and support to each other.

Both the traditional wedding vows and modern wedding vows have the elements of their religious specification. This means that as much as one is willing to have either a traditional or a modern wedding ceremony, religion plays an important role in the overall outcome of the ceremony. However, this should not be seen to diminish the significance of the ceremony or the personal beliefs of both individuals. Thus, religious dictates are seen to emphasize the primary purposes and principles of the ceremony. Thus, in part the religious element serves to validate the individual commitment of each person going into the union. Moreover, whether one is having an Ontario wedding or a Mississauga wedding, having a Toronto photographer or a Mississauga videographer to document the ceremony is important.

It is of great importance to realize that wedding vows whether traditional or modern that vows are a personal way of committing to the union. Thus, one should view it in that context. This ensures that one experiences the ceremony from a personal point of view hence; coupled with such a state of mind one is able to "hold to heart" the significance of the unification. In addition, though the modern society has constantly revised traditional wedding vows this does not make them in any way less effective less effective. On the other hand, modern wedding vows should not be viewed as a desperate attempt to frustrate the value of tradition wedding vows.

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Using Modern Wedding Vows to Create an Unforgettable Experience on Your Wedding Day

Modern wedding vows have sometimes been thought of as being non-traditional and, therefore, strange or inappropriate. However, many brides and grooms today are choosing to write their own wedding vows that put a personal and unique aspect into their dream wedding. For example, some of the most unique and beautiful wedding vows are combined with the lovely unity sand ceremony. Traditionally, it was the minister or officiant who decided upon a couple's wedding vows according to either a religious affiliation or a civil ceremony. Today's couples are taking a more active role in writing their own wedding vows according to their desired expressions of their steadfast love throughout the years.

To find a variety of modern wedding vows isn't at all difficult. Most book stores have books that will help you decide upon romantic wedding vows that will make your special day memorable. Or you can choose to write your own wedding vows. This is especially easy because of the many workbooks available that teach you how to write your vows together, straight from your heart! If you would like to combine your own modern wedding wording with the elegance and emotionally moving unity sand ceremony, there are on-line sites that will take you through every step you need to perfect your sand ceremony vows.

Whether you select your modern wedding vows or write your own, both of you can express yourself in words and phrases that are meaningful for you. An intimate wedding where you pledge your hearts and your lives to each other is a day that will always live in your memory. You'll find that the language of today's vows, especially when combined with the unity sand ceremony, is also more modern. For example, one of the more traditional wedding verses includes the words, "And thereto I plight thee my troth." Today's brides and grooms have difficulty determining just what this means! A modern wedding vow in this case could read, "And today I pledge to you all that I own, and all that I am." Modern English is much more suitable for today's couples than vows spoken in the Middle English of Shakespeare's time.

Contemporary writers of modern wedding vows suggest wedding ceremony vows that are much more simplistic and meaningful to modern couples. There are several elements that a couple should consider when selecting or writing their vows: (1) A profession of enduring love, (2) An expression of gratitude that the bride/groom has come into the others' life, (3) A reference to religious or spiritual meaning of marriage if desired, (4) How the bride/groom has enhanced the others' life, and (5) The spoken promises of faithfulness and steadfast love through good times and bad. These elements of unique wedding vows need not be in any particular order.

All these modern wedding wording exemplars can be used in conjunction with the enhancement of the lovely unity sand ceremony which will serve as a tangible reminder of a couple's wedding day. The sand ceremony vows are easy to select or to write; today's brides and grooms can use this elegant ceremony as a unique expression of their love and devotion to each other. Using the unity sand ceremony is particularly meaningful for blended families; no other modern wedding ceremony is as beautiful and all-inclusive than this ceremony. For an even more intimate wedding, couples may elect to use lines of poetry and even words from songs that speak the words they would like to express.

For an even more unique expression in modern wedding vows, many books about writing your own vows contain suggestions and worksheets about how to personalize your vows by considering how you felt upon first meeting each other, why you were interested in pursuing your relationship, what traits and qualities each of you brings to your marriage, how you felt at the proposal, what you would like your officiant to say about the rings, what dream or vision you have for your marriage, and many more expressions of your love for each other. There is no limit or rules about what you wish to include in your modern wedding vows; the beauty and romance of the unity sand ceremony vows is an example of how today's couples can completely personalize their wedding by their individual sand color choices and the words they speak to each other while pouring their sand into their chosen vessel.

Cultural aspects are also gaining increased popularity in modern wedding verses. For example, African American brides in the US often pay homage to their cultural ancestry by following the tradition of brides in Kenya and Nigeria by braiding their hair on their wedding day to form a sort of crown on top of their heads. She takes her unique wedding vows in the same manner as her ancient ancestors. An integral part of Chinese unique wedding vows is to include the vows with the ancient tea ceremony. As the Irish bride repeats her modernized vows, she still speaks these vows with a bit of Irish lace tucked into her gown.

More than ever, modern wedding vows are designed to meet the emotional needs of the bride and groom rather than vows dictated by religious tradition. While a couple may pledge their steadfast love in modern language, their intentions are no less solemn and heartfelt than the old traditional vows.

Sharon Vaz is founder of, an authority website dedicated to providing brides resources on planning a spectacular Unity Sand Ceremony.

Say Your Own Vows - Personalized Wedding Vows

Your wedding is your own. And in today's society, people have been constantly scouring every book for any way to make their wedding as personal and as unique as possible. One way to do this is to whip up your own wedding vows.

Traditionally, couples to be wed do not have much of a say in what goes into many of the words spoken during the wedding ceremony. Today, it is increasingly getting easier to personalize and influence what is said during the ceremony - within reasonable bounds,though.

If you desire to make your wedding vows unique and personal, you are not alone. Many other couples incorporate feelings, and intimate messages into their wedding vows. It has an added effect of making your wedding more touching, dramatic, and memorable.

Talk with the Officiant Ahead of Time


If you would like to personalize your wedding vows, first notify your Officiant to find out the legalities, guidelines and rules in drafting your own wedding vows. He or she will typically give pointers and examples to help you draw up your own vows.

Furthermore, the Officiant will inform you of the parts of the vow that are expected to be said.

The Topic


It may include promises, such as "I will swear upon my life to do ..." or it may be heartfelt messages for each other, or even hopes for each other plans for the future and such. You may also opt to create a mixture of each to spice up your wedding vows.

Although norms vary from culture to culture, as a general rule, the wedding vow should not take too long to recite. Keep it concise yet meaningful.

Remember, you will have to recite this, and long recitations tend to make the memory suffer.

Make it Official


After creating a draft of the vows you wish to exchange, it would do well to meet up with the Officiant again and show him a draft of your vows. Although in the end, it is ultimately your decision that is followed, do take heed of the Officiant's advice, as it is usually sound and has been honed by experience.



It is a good idea to practice your vows before the wedding. Although there is no rule against reading vows, a thoroughly practiced, heartfelt rendition of the vow will definitely make a lasting impact on your partner and the people witnessing the ceremony.

As mentioned earlier, avoid overly long vows as they tend to be less remembered and are harder to memorize, not to mention quite inconvenient to others. You may do so, however, if you feel the need is justified.

The Performance


When reciting your vows during the wedding, always keep calm. People who are tense tend to speak to fast, and since the wedding vow is a very important part of the wedding, you will want to take your time in the spotlight.

Loosen up, so that in case you forget a line or two during the exchange of vows, you will at least be able to bounce back with something from your heart.

If you desire so, you may also keep a written version of you vows with you. You might want to read it surreptitiously though.

Good luck on your wedding, and may the sweet words you utter during the exchange of vows never lose their meaning for rest of your days!

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Stuck Writing Your Vows? Read Through These Sample Wedding Vows

Are you getting married soon and need to write your wedding vows? Can't think of the right words to say or use? Do you need some sample wedding vows to jump start your thinking? Hey, we know what you're going through, so relax a little bit and check out these sample vows you can use for your wedding.

Now, keep in mind that there are differing vows for each religion. Also, these are not set in stone, and can be changed around to your liking or combined with other vows. The choice is yours, just remember to check with your officiant before totally committing to whatever vow you choose. (Especially if you are getting married in a church or synagogue - they probably have set standards on what is acceptable.)

Common Sample Wedding Vow:

I, (Bride or Groom), take thee, (Bride or Groom) to be my lawfully wedded (wife or husband), to have and to hold from this day on, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness or health, to love and to cherish, 'til death do us part.

Roman Catholic Sample Wedding Vow:

I, (Bride or Groom), take you, (Bride or Groom), to be my (wife or husband). I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you for all the days of my life.

Muslim Sample Wedding Vow:

I pledge, in sincerity and honesty, to be for you a faithful and obedient (bride or groom).

I hope that some of these wedding vow samples have eased your mind somewhat and maybe even given you a few ideas to use for your own vows. Theses samples are just that - samples, it's your wedding and you can do whatever you want.

If you're the more creative type you may want to consider writing your own vows. It's really not all that hard and can add a very personal touch to your wedding vows.

Amy Lee Johnson is a freelance writer that often contributes to Wedding Vows 4U - a site that offers information on such topics as writing wedding vows and selecting wedding gowns.

Renewing Wedding Vows Can Really Strengthen A Couples' Commitment!

So you are thinking about renewing wedding vows but are not sure about what to do next or even whether it is a good idea? There are a lot of things to consider: why should you renew your vows; the etiquette of renewing wedding vows; who are renewing their vows; and what you can say to renew or reaffirm your vows, are just a few of the questions that are probably flowing through your head. Why don't we just pick one and start there?

Just Who Are Renewing Wedding Vows?

In these days of high divorce rates there are still many people who stay together long enough to consider renewing vows. Even amongst the celebrities there are some who have done so for a variety of reasons. For instance Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne renewed their vows on New Years Eve 2002 for two reasons. Firstly they had made it to 20 years of marriage in the mad cap world of rock and roll and secondly because Sharon had just survived a serious bout with colon cancer.

They are not the only celebrities to have renewed their vows. In the film industry, Robert de Niro and Grace Hightower have renewed theirs. While in sports David and Victoria Beckham have renewed theirs and back in music, Madonna and Guy Richie have renewed their vows as well.

Why Do People Renew Their Vows?

You need a good, positive reason to renew your vows. For instance to renew them as an excuse for an exciting party is a bit too flippant. Renewing wedding vows is a very meaningful renewal of the life long commitment that you made to each other when you were first married.

So, what are some good reasons for renewing vows? To celebrate a major wedding anniversary (as Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne did to celebrate their 20th anniversary) is a great reason. As is the celebration of overcoming a major life challenge, as, again, Ozzy and Sharon did to celebrate Sharon's victory over cancer. Or it might be that you've come out the other side of a rough patch in your marriage and you feel the need to renew and strengthen your vows as Victoria and David Beckham did.

And then again you may have had a small intimate wedding or you may even have eloped or had a destination wedding and you now feel that you'd like all your friends and relatives to witness you renewing vows. Or you may have had a civil ceremony and feel that now you'd like to have a religious ceremony.

And then it may signify a change in lifestyle as, for instance when your children have left home and you can renew your commitment to each other as life partners.

But then again, who could need a better reason for renewing wedding vows than it is a very romantic thing to do.

What Is The Etiquette For Renewing Wedding Vows?

As renewing wedding vows is not a legally binding ceremony, the etiquette is not nearly as formal as for the initial wedding. For instance there is no need for a licensed Officiant. Therefore the Officiant can be anyone -- one of your children, a close friend or a licensed Officiant if you like.

Also there is no call for presents or other wedding functions like bachelor or bachelorette parties. In fact they would be frowned upon. You want the presence of your friends and relatives not their presents!

You should make it clear that you don't want presents either on the formal invitation or by word of mouth, for instance, on acceptance of the invitation.

What Do People Say When Renewing Wedding Vows?

The structure of the renewing vow ceremony itself and what is said is also fairly much up to you. You can use your original vows as the basis of the renewing marriage vow ceremony or you can write or have something written especially for the occasion.

Your children and parents can be included in the ceremony by having a family unity ceremony as part of the renewing vows proceedings. Using a unity ceremony can help bind the family together so that you go forward with a renewed commitment to each other.

A unity sand ceremony is a wonderful way to express family unity and it has the advantage of giving you a beautiful physical memento of the commitments made on the happy day.

The unity sand ceremony is based on ages old American Indian or Hawaiian wedding ceremonies. It signifies the joining of two lives into one by the pouring of different colored sands by the two people into a single unity jar. This gives a pattern from the blending of the colors and a lasting memento of the occasion.

You Decide How Your Renewing Wedding Vows Ceremony Goes!

Whether you had a large no expense spared wedding or an elopement it doesn't matter. It is up to you to decide on a cost effective small intimate renewing wedding vows ceremony or to pull out all the stops and really have the big renewing vows ceremony that you may have wanted but missed out on before.

It's all up to you and with the relaxed etiquette and potential informality of the ceremony you can really add your personality to the proceedings. You can really make the renewing wedding vows celebration an Affair to Remember!

Sharon Vaz is founder of, an authority website dedicated to providing brides resources on planning a spectacular Unity Sand Ceremony. The Unity Sand Ceremony is the hip alternative to the Unity Candle Ceremony and is perfect for beach weddings, outdoor weddings and blended family weddings.

Wedding Vows Speech

Writing your own wedding vows speech is the most romantic thing that you can ever do for your spouse on your wedding day, because it will help you prove your love for him or her during the ceremony. For this, there are certain things that you need to remember while writing your own vows. Here are some of those points:

Wedding Vows Speech: Tips to Remember

Always remember that while writing your wedding vows speech, you are professing your love to your husband and wife. Therefore, the romantic angle of your speech should not be forgotten. In addition to this, you should also remember that vows are significant to your marriage.
Your wedding vows speech should also contain structure. You cannot just begin anywhere. You have to know from where you have to start your speech.
The priest would usually start with the Biblical significance of a wedding and how it affects the lives of the married couple. Then, he would proceed to the wedding vows itself. He would ask each of the spouses to recite their vows individually. If you have personalized vows, this is the time when the officiating priest will ask you to recite it.
The vows itself should contain the words that you would want to say to your spouse as a promise of your love and support for him or her throughout your married life. You should make sure that you mean everything, which you say in your wedding vows.
You should make sure of keeping every word that you say in your vows, because if you break your vows, you will not only hurt the person that you love but also the people closest to him or her.
While writing your vows, it is important to remember that every word should come from your heart. If you do not mean what you say in your vows, it is better not to put those words in your wedding vows speech.

Wedding Vows Speech: The Promise

Overall, the wedding vows speech should include the promise of love and devotion for your partner. You should be able to convey this message in your wedding vows speech. In addition to this, you should also remember that wedding vows are not just words that you say in front of the whole group of visitors, but these are the words that you want to tell to your spouse.

Therefore, you should do everything to keep your promise and make the marriage work, no matter what trials and tribulations may come in your way. Remember that you are now with your spouse and have to live your life together as a married couple.

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A very talented writer, Stacy Craig has a writing experience of many years. She is currently working as the senior editor at Raw Nuke, and has written content for many websites and blogs worldwide. She is working in affiliation with many companies, and her work has received much admiration from several clients. Her work is known to be excellent, and delivered within deadlines.

Currently, Stacy Craig cooperates with ExtraFindouts.Com's Wedding Speeches Guide - the first place to get help with your wedding speech. Here you can find many articles, guides, tips, help, advice and much more for any type of wedding speeches you're having this or the very next weekend!